
After hearing some good news a Sean Paul song kept playing in my head. I don't know why. I don't even like Sean Paul.


CS Lewis' favorite argument for the truth of Christianity:
Either Jesus had to be crazy to say the things he did or what he said must be true, and since he doesn't sound like someone who is crazy, he must be right.


The only people who say money doesn't matter are the ones that have more than they'll ever need. This applies to the ultra-rich and to hermits.


You can't make the rain fall by looking up at the sky. It rains when it's time. And when it rains, it pours.


Excuse me, are you a parking ticket? Because you have FINE written all over you!


"What the eye sees disappears with a blink or a wandering puff of breath. Where there was light the eye, denied, sees nothing. What the soul sees cannot be denied."
- Master Kan from Kung Fu

What I take the "soul" to mean is our inner feelings and intuition. I don't believe in a soul-body dichotomy.


The thought keeps rising to the top of my mind like a bubble: where will I go?

I'm not taking the beaten path, I'm bushwhacking with a machete. Constituting my own alternatives, I only have a general idea where I'm going.


Buttered mashed potatoes. A most peculiar scent for a candle.


Ever had a "we're not in Kansas anymore" feeling? I had it at a ridiculously nice office.


Nothing that was ever something dies.


I'm really glad I have an electric kettle. There are, of course, ways to heat water without one. However, in my rampant recent use of it I've developed an emotional attachment. I don't think about any other appliance or possession in the same way. I like fridges too, but I'm not so fond of mine.



I really don't like the term "people of color".

White is a color. Ask a physicist and they'll tell you that white is actually all the colors together. In fact, black is what we see when something is devoid of color.

Furthermore, "people of color" is not an appropriate term because white people tend to change their color a lot! They go red in the sun or when they're embarrassed, blue when it's cold, green when they have certain sicknesses, etc. Also, I know a lot of "white" people who have skin darker than me.

Using "people of color" to refer to people that aren't "white" encourages an us-versus-them orientation, which isn't positive. Don't lump "people of color" together and separate them from Caucasians. If you are writing about different ethnic groups, please give each the dignity it deserves and name/address each group.

Am I too sensitive? I just want "white" authors to be aware of these points.