
Don't ask, don't say - everything lies in silence.

Shallow brooks are noisy.


"Testiculate - to wave your arms about talking bollocks."

- MC of the Carbine Club


When the head is stupid, the arms and legs have a harder time.


It doesn't matter what you do if you live and die as you like.


It's less about what you do, and more about who you are.


"I'm an actor and, each time out, I'm trying to convince the audience that I'm this character. Every little thing that people know about you as a person impedes your ability to achieve that kind of terrific suspension of disbelief that happens when an audience goes with an actor and character [he's] playing."

- Edward Norton

He seems to be in the news rarely. Maybe that's part of why I think he's a very good actor.


[2 kids sitting together]

Boy - "Let's play doctor"

Girl - "I don't have insurance"


"My advice to you: be young and reckless"
- A.Y.