
Permit me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket.

- Jack Sparrow


We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.

- Anais Nin

Here's another one on aging:

Age isn't how old you are but how old you feel


It's not what you pour in, it's what you plant.


"I have no time for insights."

- RMW, first year NYC lawyer


"Sometimes my rings turn, encircling my fingers and, for a brief moment, I believe I feel your fingers moving them . . ."



Decades of escapism in Bollywood films has quite possibly obliterated the desire for realism. Too often I see song numbers that have one singer, but TWO actors lip-synching (together or alternately). Doesn't it raise eyebrows that the two actors have EXACTLY the same voice when they are singing? I guess people don't care.


"The Irish have always been victims of negative stereotypes... so now people think we're all drunks and brawlers.... and sometimes that gets you so mad... all you wanna do is get drunk and punch somebody!"

- adapted from a friend's away message


"Why didn't you talk to Annie?"



Desire has such a mysterious nature.


"May the wind always be at your back, the sun upon your face, and may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."

- from Blow


Today was the event that I've had in mind for the past 2 years. The big test. It was and wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I endured and came out intact. Another significant step in the journey accomplished.