
My world seems lighter now that I am not in possession of a 40lb weighted vest. There's a good feeling that comes when passing on objects that aren't personally important any more.


Someone thought I was a college junior and asked me if I was. When I looked at them funny, they then asked if I was a freshman. It's good and bad that I can pass for being 8 years younger than my age. Overall I am happy about it. Thank you genes! And martial arts.


Hard times and rough circumstances are not excuses for degrading others or allowing oneself to be degraded. In fact, they’re not excuses for anything, except to try harder.

- Bob Herbert, NY Times


At the height of the British Empire, India contributed 20% of the world's trade. Now it contributes 2%.


Tea is the 6th most popular drink in the US, but the 2nd most popular in the rest of the world.

80% of the tea consumed in the US is iced.

Tea seeds were brought to Japan by a Chinese monk. It's really only indigenous to China, India and Thailand.

All tea comes from the same plant species. What people do to tea leaves after plucking makes it either green, black or oolong.

A cup of black tea contains about half the caffeine as a cup of coffee.


I should make a list of where in the world people are inviting me to go. I was just invited to Copenhagen, Stockholm and Oslo. Will I go? Probably if there were two of me.


Submitting a big expense form (over $2000) feels similar to coughing up and spitting out a lot of phlegm. In both cases, my system feels a lot better afterwards. I've rid myself of a burden I don't need to carry around. Of something which, if it stays in my system, doesn't do me any good.


Be thankful you don't have everything. If you did, what would you look forward to?