
"New York is an ugly city, a dirty city. It's climate is a scandal, its politics are used to frighten children, its traffic is madness, its competition is murderous. But there is one thing about it-once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no place else is good enough."

- John Steinbeck


She shivers in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree
I let her hear my footsteps
She only goes stiff for a moment
Care for a smoke?
Sure. I'll take one
Are you as bored by that crowd as I am?
I didn't come here for the party
I came here for you
I've watched you for days
You're everything a man could ever want
It's just not your face
Your... figure
Or your voice
It's your eyes
All the things I see in your eyes
What is it you see in my eyes?
I see a crazy calm
You're sick of running
You're ready to face what you have to face
But you don't want to face it alone
I don't want to face it alone
The wind rises electric
She's soft and warm and almost weightless
Her perfume is sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes
I tell her that everything will be alright
That I'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far far away
I tell her... I love her

- Sin City


I saw a ninja's utility belt for sale online. The thing has VELCRO fasteners for the pouches. Most of the customer reviews underneath complained that it was hard to be stealthy with the loud velcro. Who ARE these people? Then again, what was I doing looking for a utility belt...