
A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.

- General George Patton (1885-1945) US Army General


Just as real events are forgotten, some that never were can be in our memories as if they happened.


It is a triumph of life that old people lose their memories of inessential things, though memory does not often fail with regard to things that are of real interest to us. Cicero illustrated this with the stroke of a pen: No old man forgets where he has hidden his treasure.

- From Memories of my Melancholy Whores, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez


In the end, it is impossible not to become what others believe you are.


According to a study by researchers at the University of Ohio, french fries account for 25% of vegetable consumption of children. Juices make up 40% of fruit intake. This wasn't the case for me - I ate lots of fruit & vegetables. I also ended up much taller than my parents. I'm convinced that's because I had better nutrition than they did.


The US Government's definition of a high-speed train is one that goes 90mph. That's a joke. I wonder how they'd define the speed of the train in Shanghai that can attain a speed of 259mph. Transport infrastructure in the US is poor. I believe it's because the auto industry has been too powerful.