
When a human who isn't possessed by the devil projectile-vomits, is the projection due more to what the person has eaten, or more about strong abs?


The average American golf course drinks up some 50 million gallons of water a year — comparable to the yearly usage of 1,400 people. In the West Coast the figures are higher.


In the USA a "high-end" home is regarded as one that costs over $750,000. In New York City you'll get a tiny and/or very mediocre place for that amount...


At Morgan Stanley, compensation paid to employees last year was more than seven times as large as the bank's profit. In 2004 and 2005, when the stock markets were doing well, Morgan Stanley spent only two times its profits on compensation.

- NY Times


In Berlin, a brothel will give a discount to patrons who arrive on bike or by public transportation. Offering a 5-euro rebate off the 70-euro fee for a 45-minute session, the Maison d'envie officially joins the green revolution. And according to the brothel's owner, Thomas Goetz, the benefits are sweeping: they'll do more business despite the sluggish economy and help make Berlin more eco-friendly.

Many countries around the world have legalized so-called "sex work," but to varying degrees and often with restrictions. In England, for example, in-call prostitution is allowed, but only one girl per-flat at a time. Apparently Canada has always had legal prostitution, though in 1850, the government outlawed soliciting sex in a public place. In Thailand, sex work is officially illegal, but tolerated (or perhaps, ignored). It's said that most Thai men pay for their first sexual experiences.

- from the Huffinton Post