
I wore my Bruce Lee t-shirt (with him in an intimidating pose) to the dentist to send an implicit message not to cause me pain. It worked!


Baby photos might get your lost wallet returned

When researchers left 240 wallets scattered around the streets of Edinburgh, Scotland, they inserted an equal number of cute baby, puppy, family, and elderly pictures in them, along with a relevant mailing address. They received 42 percent of the wallets back overall, but 88 percent of the wallets with cute babies in them came back. The researchers suggest it has to do with an evolutionary instinct to preserve the young, so if it's not terribly embarrassing, keep a cute baby in plain sight in your wallet or purse. If you lack for your own adorable tyke, it's a great reason to call that aunt you never speak to anymore.

- from Lifehacker


Obama says that each American taxpayer pays about US$1,000 each year for the emergency medical care of people who don't have medical insurance.


A recent study has shown that just anticipating something funny, like a comedy show on TV that you are going to watch later on in the day, increases endorphins and reduces stress hormones.


Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.

- Arnold Schwarzenegger


Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Mongol: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Mongol General: That is good! That is good.

- from Conan the Barbarian (1982)

They don't make movies like this any more. Conan's answer is an abbreviation of a real quote attributable to Genghis Khan.


"How To Kiss A Man - www.LifeScript.com - Top Kissing Tips For Women. Browse Our Free Articles Now!"

This is the banner ad displayed at the top of my gmail account right now. The internet robots don't know my gender. I guess that's a good thing.


The history of beauty is one of dissatisfaction and transformation.


Urinating while you're in the shower saves drinking water. There's an ad campaign in Brazil that's asking people to do this to conserve water.


A lot of adults seek status and money.

It makes sense why that's the case. Having more status and money helps us to live better on this planet. Also, it's been shown that when we anticipate receiving more money, our brain experiences stimulation similar to when it's receiving a hit of cocaine. The centers that get activated are identical. We get a chemical high when we anticipate or receive a boost in our earnings. Does that make most of us junkies?

Most people have a sense that the grass is greener on the other side. It could be for anything - for status, money, abilities, skills, a better place to live, a better place to work, more free time, a title, a degree, fame, luxury, etc. In my limited experience, this is forever receding. What that means is however many steps we take to getting to the other side, even if we get there, there's always something else we identify in the distance that we want. We never ultimately get to a side that we're perfectly happy with - though maybe a few select people do/did, like the Buddha. It makes sense that this is the way we are - we will forever be striving. It keeps us motivated and active. If we were to fully arrive at the other side, we'd have no purpose left. We might as well vaporize.

I recently saw a film, "Depeche Mode 101" (1989). At one point the band members talk backstage. The lead singer, David Gahan, says that he used to work at a supermarket, stacking shelves. He said he made a lot less money then, but was happier. Was he joking? I don't know him well enough to tell. He said that there's a lot more pressure now.

As time goes on our responsibilities tend to increase. The higher we rise, the more pressure there can be. As our bodies age we become less physically capable and resilient. The conclusion: look around and be happy where you are.