
The longest-living mammal in existence is the bowhead whale, with a lifespan of over 200 years
Especially relevant news for Asian parents: http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2013/12/muting-the-mozart-effect/


"These programs were never about terrorism: they’re about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They’re about power."  -- Edward Snowden
Antibacterial soaps contribute to bacterial resistance of antibiotics and they can alter your hormone levels. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-25405037


In Japan sale of geriatric diapers is now bigger than baby diapers.
To reduce urinal splashback stand slightly to one side and aim down for a low angle of impact http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-24820279


Excellent new airline safety video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtyfiPIHsIg#t=203  I prefer Air New Zealand's Hobbit-inspired video though.


There are about 1 million registered charities in the USA.  That's about 1 for every 311 people. 


India has around 900 million mobile phone subscriptions but only around 3 million active credit cards.


I'm in favor of the AA - US Airways merger being blocked. I think it'll be better for customers. http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/airfare-reality-check-five-major-airlines-really-better-122023626.html


Hairdressers should ALWAYS ask before starting to take off someone's beard. #thinnerononeside


"I run on the road, long before I dance under the lights." -- Muhammad Ali, American boxer


"If 'Drive' is like really good cocaine, ['Only God Forgives'] is like really good acid." - director Nicolas Winding Refn at the sneak preview last night.


I knew this was bogus right from the start. There is no substitute for effort.  http://www.cnbc.com/id/100888068


Make yourself as relevant as you can to the times you live in.


43% of Millennials agree with this statement: “I post my vacation photos on social networks to show off to my friends.”


Writing is like showing your genitals to the world.
More than half of U.S. workers don't feel fully engaged in their work, and 18% are "actively disengaged," according to a Gallup survey.


"We took 380 billion photos last year--that’s 10% of all the photos taken... ever."
- Abigail Posner, Google


If it's raining in NYC and you carry a golf umbrella you should pay a tax for taking up more space or YOU should raise your umbrella when passing people with smaller umbrellas. You'll still be covered.


"If you consume dairy, you support veal production" (Mark Bittman, New York Times). Also some hamburger meat production (when the cow stops producing milk).


Spring is "when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."
- Charles Dickens
Rotten wood is hard to carve.


Snoop Lion (nee Dog) collaborating with Major Lazer is like a big, established company like WPP investing in a startup. Both sides gain relevance and strength.


Store inventory will shrink. People will test, try things on, & order online. Stores will serve as brand experiences http://t.co/xgwY7gQizA


If you have the capacity to be better, you have the obligation to be better.
- Coach K


71 percent of employers say they value emotional intelligence over IQ (Careerbuilder.com)


If you're a perfectionist don't become a CEO.  You'll be regularly frustrated.


Training ≠ Leadership Development


Drive change. Don't be a victim of it.



If you live in the Philippines and want to demolish your house, you will be paid by the contractors.  The value of the material that they can reuse is greater than the cost of labor.


A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.

-David Brinkley


Paper isn't dead. http://vimeo.com/61275290


You are able to influence when you commit to really understand others, collaborate with them, and inspire them with your actions.  http://quickbase.intuit.com/blog/2013/03/08/how-to-gain-more-influence/


Most of us wouldn't want a computer attached to our brain but it could help people with paralyzed limbs or with Parkinson's. Brown University creates first wireless, implanted brain-computer interface


Big Brother is watching at some companies. I think these sensors are a very intrusive and possibly unethical way of collecting data. They're ok for brief, targeted studies, but what if they become a permanent fixture of office life?


Commercial fishing kills roughly 100 million sharks a year (Journal of Marine Policy).


The average Russian consumes over 4 gallons of pure alcohol per year (Washington Post)


Office Harlem Shake videos are the new "trust falls."


South Africa has the highest rate in the world of women killed by an intimate partner. At least 3 women are killed by a partner every day in S.Africa, according to the SA Medical Research Council.


Sacrifice your pawn to take the king.


If it was easier for international students to work in the US after graduation the shape of the economy might be quite different.  I'm one of the very few internationals from my college class working in the US.  U.S. Immigration Policies Are Sabotaging the U.S. Economy


If you have to look up the meaning of "Broseph" you are not cool.


Star Trek paved the way for the cell phone and floppy discs. What we really need are phasers to replace guns -- phasers that are permanently set to stun.


Chinese have an average household savings rate of 38% compared with about 4% for Americans (BloombergBusinessweek)
There are 181,000 Social Media 'Gurus,' 'Ninjas,' 'Masters,' and 'Mavens' on Twitter (AdAge)


2% of employees admit their top work-related resolution for 2013 is to get their boss fired (Glassdoor)