
If it was easier for international students to work in the US after graduation the shape of the economy might be quite different.  I'm one of the very few internationals from my college class working in the US.  U.S. Immigration Policies Are Sabotaging the U.S. Economy


If you have to look up the meaning of "Broseph" you are not cool.


Star Trek paved the way for the cell phone and floppy discs. What we really need are phasers to replace guns -- phasers that are permanently set to stun.


Chinese have an average household savings rate of 38% compared with about 4% for Americans (BloombergBusinessweek)
There are 181,000 Social Media 'Gurus,' 'Ninjas,' 'Masters,' and 'Mavens' on Twitter (AdAge)


2% of employees admit their top work-related resolution for 2013 is to get their boss fired (Glassdoor)