

The farther down a path you go the harder it is to turn back.


[solemn] "I have stolen your life."
- Shimada Kambei to Gorobei Katayama (just before he died)


I love my letter opener.

Appearance and function -
It's long and sleek. Double edged. Has a red handle. Well balanced. Stainless steel. Made in Japan. I love slotting it in and the sound & sensation of the long tear.

History -
I found it 6 or 7 years ago at an abandoned office of a bankrupt construction company in Hong Kong. I was searching through their records, as part of a summer internship. I was working in insolvency. Office furniture and machines go to auction to raise money for creditors, but I don't think the letter opener would have sold. I think it would have been thrown away. I saved it.

Gratuitousness -
Fingers can open letters - a letter opener is not a necessary item. Yet, it makes the whole experience much more sleek, refined, efficient. Isn't love also gratuitous? What concrete thing does it actually do or serve in itself? It's not necessary in life, but it makes life more... refined, elevated.

Hmm... when I started writing this post I never realized that the conclusion would be that my letter opener is a symbol for love.


"You think wisdom is a flower for you to pluck. It is a mountain and it must be climbed."


I've started noticing the term Greater China. Is it a throwback to the great in Great Britain? Is there a reason for it? Seems a bit pretentious.


Half of the population of India is under 25 (NY Times). It's very youthful. If I go over there I'd be middle-aged. What a scary thought.


"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others."
- Jonathan Swift

(He was also the person that came up with "A penny for your thoughts.")


I have a friend who was put on the list of missing after the World Trade Center attacks by one of his friends. They were both in Pennsylvania, no where near the places attacked. It has had a number of repercussions. For example, if someone finds out that he was on the list and offers sympathies/condolences, he can't really say, "well actually my friend thought it'd be funny and put my name down as a joke." It's dark humor, but I have to say it's quite original. I wonder if his name will be read out somewhere.