
He is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death.

- Saki


According to a Gallup poll, only 6% of men wore ties regularly to work in 2007. In 2002 this was 10%. I'm guessing these figures are only for the US.


A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.

- Oscar Wilde

Is this still the case?


We ask no favours of the enemy. We seek from them no compunction. On the contrary, if tonight our people were asked to cast their vote whether a convention should be entered into to stop the bombing of cities, the overwhelming majority would cry, "No, we will mete out to them the measure, and more than the measure, that they have meted out to us." The people with one voice would say: "You have committed every crime under the sun. Where you have been the least resisted there you have been the most brutal. It was you who began the indiscriminate bombing. We will have no truce or parley with you, or the grisly gang who work your wicked will. You do your worst - and we will do our best." Perhaps it may be our turn soon; perhaps it may be our turn now.

- Winston Churchill


Expose problems and identify systemic improvements so that the problems don't happen again. Don't play the game "Whack-a-Mole" with problems. That requires you to be too reactive.


Standing in front of each piece of art in the Vatican for 40 seconds will take you 10 years.


Uncertainty and mystery are the energies of life. Don't let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.

- R.I. Fitzhenry