
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life sends ninjas after you, make ninjade.


Favorite lines from Kung Fu Panda:

[first line]
Po: Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.

Mr. Ping: You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup. And then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant just as I took it over from my father who took it over from his father who won it from a friend in a game of mahjong.

Shifu: [after having dragged Po up the mountain and Po is trying to cool down] Panda, we do not wash our pits in the Pool of Sacred Tears.


"My favourite put-down in Klingon? 'Hab SoSlI' Quch.' Your mother has a smooth forehead."


I've seen too many, but also not enough, bare legs this summer.


Luck sometimes visits a fool, but it never sits down with him.

- German Proverb


What's an example of creativity that has inspired you?

It's all around us, even if we don't feel it's relevant.


The warmth of the day


Sunset behind the mountains


All of the philanthropy you see — the buildings named after people for giving $50 million to this museum or to Columbia — is a result of one man after another trying to conquer his mortality.

- Dr T. Byram Karasu, Manhattan psychiatrist